What is PR and how to make it in the industry

Have you heard of Public Relations?
Well, if you have or haven’t, Public Relations (or ‘PR’) is present in daily life; through ways either you will or won’t expect.

That Fringe show you heard about last week on the T.V., or that article you read in the paper about a new restaurant, or even that new café’s vibey Instagram account paired with witty captions, have most likely been carefully crafted and organised by, you guessed it, a PR professional.

PR is a bridge between a business (the client) and its consumers, the glue if you will. When a business needs to get themselves ‘out there’ to the public, PR is the industry for the job. It connects a business to numerous media outlets and their followings, especially through linking the who, what, where and how.

Above all, PR is integral to developing and creating T’s & C’s. No, not terms and conditions, but developing trust and credibility with an audience for your client.

Of course, PR is foregrounded on one very specific thing, communication. So, if there is one word that pretty much sums up making it in within the industry, it’s definitely networking. In many cases, the word network tends to be thrown around often when it comes to getting industry experience and, ultimately, a job. Within the PR industry however, this concept reigns heavily supreme for all aspects of a PR role as networking effectively helps to gain new clients, establish media contacts and build brand awareness with the wider public.

To really ‘make it’ within the industry, building connections with the media is at the heart, mixed with the mainstay skills such as fabulous organisation and having a hard-work ethic.

The PR industry is fast-paced and continually growing, so it is important to keep up with developments to ensure that you stay relevant in the industry and continue to provide the very best service to your clients.

Get in Touch

If you would like to find out more about how we can help your business, please get in touch.
We would love to have a coffee with you.

Level 1, 278 Rundle Street
Adelaide 5000
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0402 358 000